Boy, I do some work for a couple days, actually get internet access and I see all this. (the BCT breakdowns are missing a couple officers btw.)

1. I never said that people not from the coasts were hicks (heck, LI and NJ have a higher-than average percentage of them anyway!). My father is from IA and my mother is from MN (most definitely not a hick state btw). And, heck, UT might be the most well-traveled state in the country. I do think that the statistical distribution by state of passports per capita and the relative rankings of state school systems (ok, is it really news to anyone that the deep south has the worst school systems in the country? is it really controversial that that fact is unfortunate from the military perspective insofar as we prefer better-educated EM and officers?).

2. I never said anything about semesters abroad. Affluent people from the coasts travel the world because that's what affluent people from the coasts do. Some of it's just because it's easier to fly to Paris or London from NY than it is to Des Moines from NY, some of it's just because traveling is a way of life. That background, in and of itself, is useful. So are the accompanying language skills.

3. Since we are obviously talking in broad statistical generalizations, I'm not certain why some were bringing up specific individuals and their backgrounds. But if you're going to do that you might as well mention the origins of Petraeus, Odierno and McChrystal. But agreed that's all irrelevant.

4. No one addressed a major point. No one. The coasts are filled with millions of first generation immigrants from around the world...places where the Army will end up. They have valuable language skills and cultural knowledge. We ignore the coasts to our detriment. (And I completely disagree with the statement that "cultural sensitivity is unnecessary for COIN." That's so wrong it's not even wrong.)

5. Yes, kids from urban backgrounds aren't as ready for a variety of traditional Army skills that are more woodland based (here's looking at you Ranger School). Nevermind that the world grows more urban every year and it's urban areas that pose the greatest difficulty for us.

6. Ultimately, as I said, we need people from every background. But right now 40% of new officers are from the South and almost 0% from the Northeast. That's my point.