This list presumes that the language other than english that will be most useful in the Middle East will be a Middle Eastern language. However, as China supplants the US as the primary consumer of Oil in the region, they are likely to become another major player. Much like the past four hundred years, Arabs are not the masters of their own destinies but are likely to be pawns on the international stage. This will probably be true until Oil is supplanted as a major energy source.

BTW, Americans always think that foreigners speak English, because all the ones they know speak English. There are two problems with relying on that: 1) The other side controls what information you get and whom you talk to, and 2) You have no idea how well they really speak the language. The second problem is actually very common since the ubiquity of American culture (e.g. movies), it is very easy for someone to ape American idioms and even accent to the point that Americans believe that the person really understands, but in actuality doesn't.