Rules and Another Place - Because We're Here Boy, No One Else; But Us.

I've been here for going on 2 years and will go home in March. After some time at home I plan on going to Afghanistan or Iraq; but I don't know exactly how. My company flies in Afghanistan so I will probably go that route. But it is better to have choices so if anybody knows of a company that flies in Iraq or Afghanistan, please let me know. I figure I ought to help in the war if I can.

That being said, after 2 years I will present some observations that may help people who come here to work. Besides, we haven't been flying much so I don't have anything else to write about.

This is mostly about living in Kinshasa since that is mostly where I've been. Presented in no particular order of importance...
And Rules 2... Good cultural intel - and good luck to Carl when he moves on - anyone here have a line on commercial / private flying in Iraq or Afghanistan?