Quote Originally Posted by jmm99 View Post
The problem with local governance in Astan is that it has been devestated by 40+ years of turmoil. Many of these problems are themselves tiny - in comparison to the regional strategic issues which BW and Ken have been discussing. E.g, two guys trade sheep, but one of the sheep is "defective". How does the guy with the bad sheep get what the parties consider fair justice ?
From the local Shura or local warlord -- if either were allowed to operate as they should and were not constrained by Eurocentric concerns over equity and 'the rule of law.' Nothing wrong with the rule of law, it just doesn't have to be our version of law...
Another problem you might face with Marc and me is what we might do if the GoA partner is part of the problem and not part of the solution. All here might dwell on that question, which emerges as well in the more elegant area of regional geo-politics.
Why dwell on it -- it is a western imposition that the Afghans believed they were compelled to take in order to get some of the aid they desperately needed. It was a really dumb idea and the USA forced it down everyone's throat and we put one of Kipling's 'wily Pathans' in charge. He's being wily. What a surprise. They're untrustworthy. What a surprise. "The ANP tell the bad guys we're coming." What a surprise. There's corruption in the government. What a surprise. In one of my first dozen posts on this board over a couple of years ago I said, re the way things were then going in Afghanistan; "Welcome to South Asia." Still true.

Of course the GOA is part of the problem. We created it thus it's become our problem.