Two questions about selecting references...

1) Is there any significance attached to who the reference is? For example, in regard to one of my narratives, I think a former peer (now a CPT) can speak more specifically to the narrative than could a former commander (now a LTC). Will the folks attach any significance to rank? Or are they simply looking to verify the facts of the narrative and nothing more?

2) I could use one reference for 3 out of the 5 narratives. Is there a preference for more references? Or, again, are they just looking to verify the facts in my narratives? I'm thinking that if I only use 2 references then it looks like I can't find 5 people to vouch for me. All 5 individuals whom I have in mind will talk a good game. But the select 2 individuals whom I have in mind would talk a better game. Does it matter?

Two questions about selecting a response...

1) One of the questions pertains to interaction with people from another racial/ethnic/religious background. I've had a lot of interaction with locals in Iraq. I've also had a lot of meetings with ISF leaders. Would interactions with locals versus interactions with elites play better or worse? I think the interactions with locals better convey my ability to bridge cultural divides, but I think my interactions with elites (ISF officers and tribal sheiks) better convey my ability to actually get something accomplished in that setting. Is there a preference?

2) Obviously my experiences in the military will weigh heavily in my responses. For one of the five responses, I think that I could include something from graduate school. Should I do that simply to show that I've done something other than the Army? Or do they care?