Fourth Tranche

Michela Wrong, In the Footsteps of Mr. Kurtz. Wrong relates the final collapse of Mobutu's Zaire. Available on Amazon at:
Robert B. Edgerton, Mau Mau, An African Crucible. This is a critical history of the British COIN campaign against the Mau Mau in Kenya. Listed on Amazon at:
Critical Number 13 LTG Romeo Dallaire, Shake Hands With the Devil. This book is more than a simple commander's memoir of the tragedy; it provides invaluable insights into UN peacekeeping operations. Available on Amazon at
Philip Gourevitch, We wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families: Stories From Rwanda. This book offers first hand experiences in the genocide.
Available on Amazon at:
Robert E. Gribbin, In the Aftermath of Genocide: The U.S. Role in Rwanda. Ambassador Gribbin was the US Ambassador in Rwanda from 1996-1998. Available on Amazon at:
Human Rights Watch and FIDH, Leave None to Tell the Story: Genocide in Rwanda. This study is the most detailed on the planning, mechanics, and execution of the genocide. You may read it on line at: - TopOfPage
Shaharyar Khan, The Shallow Graves of Rwanda. Ambassador Khan was the senior UN diplomat in UNAMIR 2. It is available on Amazon at:
Mahmood Mamdani, When Victims become Killers. Mamdani's analysis of the genocide as a regional issue is ground breaking. Available on Amazon at:
Thomas P. Odom, Journey Into Darkness: Genocide in Rwanda with foreword by General (ret) Dennis J. Reimer. This memoir covers the author's 15 years as a Foreign
Area Officer on the Middle East and Africa with operational tours as a UN Observer in Lebanon and as US Defense Attaché in Zaire and Rwanda. You may read a chapter from the book at or order it from TAMU Press at or on Amazon or other on line bookstores.
Gérard Prunier, The Rwanda Crisis: History of a Genocide. Prunier offers a first rate analysis of the French role in the genocide. Available on Amazon at:
Colin M. Waugh, Paul Kagame and Rwanda. As yet this is the closest there is to a biography of Kagame. Available on Amazon at:
Robert F. Baumann and Lawrence A. Yates with Versalle F. Washington, "My Clan Against the World" US and Coalition Forces in Somalia 1992-1994. "The impetus for this project came from the commanding general, US Army Training and Doctrine Command, Fort Monroe, Virginia, who directed CSI to examine the American military’s experience with urban operations in Somalia, particularly in the capital city of Mogadishu. That original focus can be found in the following pages, but the authors address other, broader issues as well, to include planning for a multinational intervention; workable and unworkable command and control arrangements; the advantages and problems inherent in coalition operations; the need for cultural awareness in a clan-based society whose status as a nation-state is problematic; the continuous adjustments required by a dynamic, often unpredictable situation; the political dimension of military activities at the operational and tactical levels; and the ability to match military power and capabilities to the mission at hand." You can download this study at:
Mark Bowden, Blackhawk Down. This is the best narrative on the battle of TF Ranger. Available on Amazon at:
South Africa
Boer War
Michael Barthorp, The Anglo-Boer Wars, the British and the Afrikaners 1815-1902. Barthorp's pictorial history of the conflict is revealing through its photography and art.
Listed on Amazon at:
Thomas Pakenham, The Boer War. Pakenham's work is the standard on the Boer Wars. Too many overlook the Boer War as a "quasi-conventional war" when it actually had
many of the same COIN elements that the US, the British, and others would struggle with after WWII. Available on Amazon at:
Rayne Kruger, Goodbye Dolly Gray: The Story of the Boer War. Kruger a South African published this book in 1959. Listed on Amazon at:
The Zulu War
Michael Barthorp, The Zulu War, A Pictorial History. This pictorial history because of its extensive illustrations makes an excellent companion read to more detailed works.
Listed on Amazon at:
Intelligence Branch of the War Office, Narrative of the Field Operations Connected with the Zulu War of 1879. As indicated this book is the documentary account of the Zulu Wars by the British War Office. Listed on Amazon at:
Donald R. Morris, The Washing of the Spears, The Rise and Fall of the Zulu Nation. This is the best single work on the Zulus and the Zulu War with the British. Available on Amazon at:
Byron Farwell, Prisoners of the Mahdi. The story of the Mahdi's Revolt and the unfortunate few who found themselves imprisoned in Mahdist Sudan for nearly 20 years. Available on Amazon at:
Alan Moorehead, The White Nile. This classic relates the story of the White Nile as set against the Mahdist Revolt and death of Chinese Gordon. Available on Amazon at:
Charles Chenevix Trench, The Road to Khartoum, A Life of General Charles Gordon. The story of Chinese Gordon who was far more important a figure in the 19th Century than Lawrence was in the 20th. Listed on Amazon at:
Philip Zeigler, Omdurman. This book relates the culminating battle between the Anglo-Egyptian army under Kitchener and the Khalifa's Army at Omdurman. Available on Amazon at: