Quote Originally Posted by davidbfpo View Post

Maybe not the best place to re-open how 'The Troubles' in Northern Ireland started in 1969. That aside.
Agreed and I see that I made my point poorly. I'm only using it as a possible example of a case where "governance" was not the root problem. When you have two factions, or factions within factions, that have completely incompatible goals, are willing to use violence and unwilling to compromise, then I question whether there is any kind of governance that can contain that. BW's theory is that insurgency is caused by a lack of "good governance" but governance comes from people and sometimes people want violence.

M-A Lagrange brings up the social contract (or lack of), which related, IMO. When one group views another group in terms of the "other" as more than a mere enemy, then there is no social contract and therefore no basis for "good governance." At least that is something I've been thinking about lately.