
The quote from Sempel is from the CNP conference in November.


We are back to the same issue. If the Afghan government does not step up and become effective in at least 80% of the country, and, at the least, reasonably acceptable to a majority 60%+ in each, then we are chasing our tale.

Today, NATO has appointed the British Ambassador as it's Supernumary. No clue how that might relate/conflict with the current civilian effort, but the hope is that during tomorrow's one day conference in London, all things left unresolved for the last decade will miraculously resolve themselves since the newly-elected Karhzai government is on board (unlike the old one that wasn't very well thought of.

Morning is security and international cooperation. After lunch is sub-national governance. Take heart. It will be a completely new day on Friday.

The conference streams world wide so you can watch the miracles live and in color (with the usual internet stutters and delays).


PS- Sure wish I wasn;t on the same page with MG Flynn--a tough row to hoe.