Mods - if there's someplace better for this, feel free to nudge it.

This, from IRN media:
The Taliban in Afghanistan have built a new generation of improvised explosive devices which is not detectable, a Taliban statement has said.

The new IEDs, called "Omar", have been made by the Taliban technical experts inside Afghanistan and cost only $85 each, the statement, released on Friday, said.

According to the Taliban statement the new IEDs are not detectable by special mine-detector machines used by foreign forces based in the country.

Taliban said they have made the new remote-controlled IEDs after the US and NATO forces entered into Afghanistan special modern devices that are able to detect and neutralize ordinary IEDs made by the Taliban.

The Taliban say the new-generation IEDs have proved to be effective.

The report comes as the United States promised on Friday to provide armored vehicles, ground penetrating radar and other equipment to NATO allies to help protect their troops in Afghanistan from increasingly deadly roadside bombs ....
In the same reliability neighbourhood as IRN media, here's the Taliban's statement on that one (PDF at non-terrorist site - - but in Pashto).

Michael Yon, on a related track:
Am told the enemy has started using IEDs that use no metal. As explained to me by an excellent source, when you step on the bomb, it causes two liquids to mix which then explode.