Quote Originally Posted by Galrahn View Post
Hopefully conceptual development does not end there.

How do the Marines take enhanced companies to sea, and operate from the sea? We have gone from 5 ship ARG to 4 ship ARG to now 3 ship ARG, and over the same period we have gone from Regiment level to battalion level and are now looking at company level.

Consolidation at sea and distribution on land - two trend lines going different directions. What is unspoken here is how moving to a company level operational construct forces a change to the ARG - which I do think is a good thing, but not easy to do when the Navy is already throwing the Marines the minimum level of ships.

This should not be seen as questioning the MEU, rather how to size and shape the MEU when companies need more specific support, like fire support.

Fr/whats being discussed the MEU construct will remain unchanged by EMO.

The place where the EMO will most likely be the Preferred Construct will be in the SC MAGTF Concept which will deploy in conjunction w/the Navy's Global Fleet Stations, & be complementary to the MEU.

The SC MAGTF will deploy Comp-sized Dets aboard Naval GFS widely dispersed thru-out a Theater Command.

These Dets would further deploy Platoons & even Squads to conduct Bi-lateral training mission in neighboring countries coordinated by the MCTAG (small tms of Sr Marines that stay constantly engaged w/Partner Nations, providing a bridge btwn PNs & TComms).