Call a Bren a LMG if you wish. I'd argue that it and the BAR did not have large capacity magazines nor were they belt fed so the AR tag seems appropriate to me and I say that in full realization that most won't agree -- and not really caring as the issue really is employment method(s), not the name.

As Kiwi Grunt says, the issue is use and I've seen way too many MG34-42-3 / M60 / MAG types have problems on patrols to consider carrying one of them unless I determined an overwhelming need would probably exist; to carry it just because it's available is the norm and it's not, IMO, all that smart.

I've also seen too many machine gunners -- and even AR men -- and ammo bearers killed or wounded because the heavy weapon and / or ammo slowed them down and was a clumsy load. Not because the weapon was a target, though that too has an impact. There is certainly a place for LMGs and some patrols may need one available -- many will not but it is habit to take it...

Accurate, killing fire suppresses -- a large volume of harmless fire does not, certainly not against people who know what they're doing. It also is not smart to think, train or operate as if all your opponents will be lesser beings.

METT is where it's at...