Quote Originally Posted by William F. Owen View Post
Well once the enemy is defeated/neutralised, you've won! What's the problem?

COIN is not a bizarre world. Irregular warfare is very simple. We just choose to ignore the facts.
1. Then they are not the enemy! The enemy oppose you using violence. - so they CANNOT be supposed to support you! You cannot be half pregnant.
2. Then you haven't got point 1.
3. Then what are you trying to do?

In A'Stan the only thing military forces can do is ensure that the Taliban do not take power via force of arms! That is all! What's so hard about understanding that?
As long as the military are also having to fill in the blanks on non-mil stuff required as well then they will also tend to try doing what any good team does. Get actions and what not at all levels to work towards common cause.

Supporting action's/narrative's/endstates/etc
You want to pull a British East India Company, or US Organizations that used to exist at levels capable of supporting this sort of thing out of your back pocket ready to go great.

Till then those there have to do the best they can with what they have.

So although I understand your concern with the "lack" of military doing military only we're all there now, and those Orgs aren't at least in any where near large enough scale to be able to fulfill their roles at levels needed.

So What is the answer you propose besides- We shouldn't be doin that stuff?