Quote Originally Posted by Fuchs View Post
@ Entropy:
You mentioned mostly extenuating circumstances that don't influence the question of "guilty or not?".

Actually, it's a civil war with foreign participation. That's not an international conflict.
Foreign "participation"? Foreign instigation, foreign control and direction of the conflict. To characterize the fight in 2007 as an internal Iraqi matter augmented by foreign forces is ridiculous.

Medical personnel is obliged to mark itself as such in order to avoid misunderstandings as much as possible. This does not rule out that civilians can spontaneously recover wounded and still be protected.
That's not what happened. The van's arrival and their attempt to aid the wounded were not at all spontaneous. That much is obvious from the video: just as the van drives up, two other men appear from an adjacent courtyard. Without even stopping to discuss it, the driver of the van gets out, opens the cargo door, and gets back into the driver's seat. Meanwhile, the two pedestrians immediately help the wounded guy to his feet and start moving him towards the van's cargo door. Their behavior doesn't indicate spontaneity, it indicates coordination and cooperation with the first group.