
To chime in here, I would be surprised if Dr Kass gets more than 30 minutes a week with the Admiral. His staff may read her stuff and may pass the pertinent perspectives, if any exist. The ADM and the service staffs know very well the perspectives of the advisors that surround them as all would have meet and greets upon entering the position.

Also, where you quote her "rhetoric" on Islam, this appears to be on "Islamism" as interpreted and carried out by radicals. This is somewhat analogous to Zionism in that both are political movements. Not many Muslims subscribe to this, as you attest to in your travels.

I would argue that a degree in computer science is absolutely not required to be an expert in cyberwarfare; I do not need to know how to build an F-18 with laser-guided bombs to know the effects of its capabilities. Other than "Flying and Fighting in Cyberspace," what was wrong with the presentation linked?

I base that statement on the simple fact that a small group of like minded individuals working together convinced America to invade Iraq when all sane professional intelligence indicated such an act was totally unnecessary.
A very small group of individual(s) had also convinced his own staff that he had WMD.

My $.02.