Quote Originally Posted by Maphu View Post
Excellent points RE Jones. On the other hand I believe that if the true reasons for invading Iraq were known that there is no way congress would have allowed this illegal pre-emptive war to proceed. Clearly Saddam had nothing what-so-ever to do with 911. ... Well, Saddam might be a threat someday, just doesn't cut the mustard.

The real reasons are those advocated clearly by PNAC, to create a New American Century, a Pax Americana. The Bush Administration is doing all it can to stay with the PNAC playbook. Unfortunately, all of those rosy PNAC and pundit predicted scenarios have not been so easy to achieve and the costs in time, lives and money is far beyond what we were led to believe.

If the public knew the real reasons for the war in Iraq, Bush's approval ratings would fall to even lower levels. The pretexts for the war keep changing and the public is, at long last, beginning to see the war for what it really is.

This is most unfortunate for our military but for them there is no choice and they have to bear the brunt of such arrogant and ignorant foreign policy decisions.

seriously, how much is moveon.org paying you?