John T. Fischel - many thanks for that.

I have to say I have pretty utilitarian views of Officer training.
The Royal Marines train their own officers, with none of the Sandhurst type performance and produce a pretty high standard. They also do it at minute cost compared to others. Their system fails badly in terms of Command Experience, because they produce too many officers, but raw product is generally good.
The IDF produce generally very competent officers, with a great deal of command experience, if you get slated for the Command stream. I know one guys who has commanded 3 Battalions and 2 Brigades - all for 3 years!
All Majors are now expected to go and get a Masters Degree - why I do not know!
The German Army of the 1930's - 50's 60' and into the 1980's produced above average combat officers, by the accounts of the men who have studied them.

My point, and nothing to do with US Service Academies, is that there is a good body of evidence that says you can produce very good officers without too much cost, time or process. Surely that is the requirement?