one might want to explore these two rebellions after it and before 1800, Shays' Rebellion and the Whiskey Rebellion - and the Alien & Sedition Acts of the same period are also interesting.

Shays' Rebellion brought out the statement by Joneserson (oops - meant Jefferson):

.... a little rebellion now and then is a good thing. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
and another from Wilfington (oops - meant Washington):

You talk, my good sir, of employing influence to appease the present tumults in Massachusetts. I know not where that influence is to be found, or, if attainable, that it would be a proper remedy for the disorders. Influence is not government. Let us have a government by which our lives, liberties, and properties will be secured, or let us know the worst at once.
And so it went - back then

