Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
until you cross the threshold of basic load cube x caliber/capability to enter the realm of diminishing returns and you'll accomplish little; they can still be easily killed and will not be able to kill everything they may meet.
Agree, but there has to be some level/standard of protection applied the problem. The idea of being "invulnerable" is patently stupid. It's what you can get for the Power-to-weight.
The CV 90, while the best of breed currently available still, IMO, is of the wrong breed.
Which is why I want a CV-90 chassis based APC only, not a CV-90 MICV.
For success in combat and survivability of your troops, there are only four critical factors to consider :

Agility, speed, unrefueled range and employment.
My wording would be "a high degree of reliable mobility," but I think if we talked around those points we'd be in basic agreement.
Employment is by for the most critical. Employed well, almost any vehicle will do - within reason.