Quote Originally Posted by qp4 View Post
I'm really at a loss here, are you not keeping up with the US Army at all? I understand there is bloat at the BDE and DIV HQs, but that's due to a number of factors, not the least of which is the experienced force that simply has to go somewhere when they get promoted.

More importantly however is that the US Army is using BDE and DIV HQs as plug and play units. The colors are pretty much there for lineage at this point, though each does seem to have its own character. It is the BDE and DIV HQ that not only control the battlefield, but contain the assets that aren't just trigger pullers. We need more of these, a BDE HQ is great for the number of battalions it trains, but in our current operational set we'd be better off with a BDE HQ for two or most three line BNs.
I do try to keep up with the U.S. Army, but I am no where near as knowledgeable as many who post on this site. I have a great affection for all things military, but my experience is limited to a stint in the Corps 20 years ago and 18 years of putting dope dealers in jail.

Have you read an article titled Why Small Brigade combat Teams Undermine Modularity? I apologize for my lack of computer skills or I would have linked the article. I do believe someone has linked the article under a different discussion. I may have missed the point(s) of the article so I am interested in your opinion of this article.