Quote Originally Posted by Red Rat View Post
Please elaborate as I am now intrigued; what do IDF officers regard as Mission Command?
They do not have one version of it, nor where they really aware that they were doing it, till the MW crowd started talking about it. Essentially, it means doing your best and not giving up. Inaction is simply never permissible. Action is expected. The man on the spot is expected to know best and act accordingly.
What the UK calls "Mission Command" they call "Command."

Do you have a good book on the IDF you could recommend? I am going through "34 Days: Israel, Hezbollah, and the War in Lebanon" by Amos Harel which is whetting my appetite to learn more.
34 Days is OK, but there are a number of errors, because it was written too soon after the conflict.
Reuven Gal's "A Portrait of the Israeli Soldier" is old, but it's a good start.