Quote Originally Posted by Polarbear1605 View Post
I would have to say that the first ME was the CIA and its invasion and take down of Afghanistan in 2001. It was there that the ME shifted from the CIA to DOD (Rumsfeld). I didn’t say you would like it but that is my opinion regarding a historically example of a strategic ME.
That is solid gold!!!!!!!! strangely according to the book the 5! original concepts of his "fundamentals of tactics" were reduced to 3 for the whole Amphibious Warfare Class. Mission Tactics,Main Effort,Surfaces and Gaps. The concept of the Objective and the Reserve were taught only to his (Col. Wyly's)"Den" according to the book. And yet the concept or rather the confusion over the difference between a Mission vs. an Objective was and is one of the most important parts of the book.

In Wyly's later lectures he did specifically state that the Main Effort was not just a unit (what) but also a where, you can't have one without the other and then he goes to further state as you(Polarbear) have that it all works together.

The Marine Corps has lost something by deviating from the orginal core concepts IMO it's the basis of a whole new 5 Rings theory IMO

But Colonel Warden's designation of a "Key Force" has a lot of similarities to the concept of a "Main Effort."