I was using the Maneuver Warfare Philosophy this afternoon. My higher headquarters (wife) gave me the Mission of getting some stuff for a B-B-Que this weekend. Since no one was available for me to delegate the mission to I became the Main Effort and as such I selected the Objective of Winn Dixie. While en route to the Objective I negotiated the Surfaces (road construction and auto accident) by finding Gaps (detours) to the Objective.

Upon my arrival at the Objective I discovered I could not accomplish my Mission based upon the lack of good Ribs for B-B-Que even though I had secured the Objective, but as in rapid war like circumstances the Objective was no longer relevant. Since selection of the Objective is part of the responsibility of the ME commander I selected another Objective and began to travel toward it again mindful of the Surfaces and Gaps. This time upon arriving at the Objective the correct Pork Ribs and Beer were acquired and I returned to home base and reported to Higher that the Mission had been accomplished.

MW is a whole new theory of life