Colonel Wyly "The Fundamentals Of Tactics."
He lists 5:
1-Surfaces and Gaps
2-Mission Tactics
3-The Main Effort
4-Concept Of The Objective
5-Concept Of The Reserve
I'm not sure this stands up to much scrutiny. The Surfaces and gaps deal is a very odd conception of reading ground and/or an enemy defence. More over how do you use it in defence?
Mission tactics or mission command?
The ME is not part of MW. It's inherent to Command, as is the Objective and the Reserve. This is also confusing for a lot of folks because they get confused between the "Mission" and the "Objective."
All pretty wooly stuff in my view.
Tactics is not one discrete area of training that can be reduced to "5 things". Tactics has to be framed within a level of Command (Platoon, Company) but that is because of how you teach it, or how it should be taught.