Quote Originally Posted by COMMAR View Post
To keep giving Scenarios to ppl is pointless. Everything has its drawbacks, the key is have you found the most efficient use of it.
I would submit the question is to effectiveness, not efficiency. The V-22 is not effective, given the expenditure of resources.

History shows the USMC is usually well ahead of its critics. It looked at Galipolli & saw a way to beat the Japanese, looked at the Plane & saw Tactical Bombing (CAS), looked at the Helo & saw Vertical Envelopment, the list goes on.

All of which were HEAVILY criticized in their day b/c ppl just didn't understand, now the best military minds couldn't imagine doing it any differently. Only time will tell.
That's a very wide wave at the actual operational history. based on the examples provided, very many folks looked at the same thing and came to the same conclusions
The issue with V-22 is not the need for VTOL. Everyone knows that is useful. The issue is that it is a bad design of aircraft. It's bad helicopter! Concept wise it's a helicopter - just not a very good one.
Just going faster for slightly improved flight characteristics is not the leap forward supposed.