Hi George,

Quote Originally Posted by George L. Singleton View Post
Please understand I did not write this four part article, but found and copied it off the Internet as it tied together the compariative religious issues between Islam and Christianity I wished to focus for discussion.
I will admit, it took me a bit to get through the posts, and I am still trying to figure out which particular issues you wished to compare.

Quote Originally Posted by George L. Singleton View Post
I found this article on the Internet and am posting it for discussion and dialogue purposes. To be clear, the article favors the Christian point of view of religion, but it is inoffensive in it's style and content and still looks like to me a good "vehicle" with which to get constructive, peaceful religious dialgue or disussion started on this web site.
I can understand why you would post it at Khyberwatch, but why here? Were you interested in starting a discussion on comparative issues between Christianity and Islam here?
