Quote Originally Posted by JMA View Post
A question on FOBs. What percentage of the otherwise fighting troops are tied down in situ at any time so as to defend these FOBs?
What do you consider a FOB? I ask because there is a difference between a piece of tactical infrastructure with a battalion on it and when where a platoon operates out of? Are we critiquing all tactical infrastructure?

I ask because a Company in a FOB or three Platoons dispersed into small compounds in villages would likely require the same amount of people to secure the position.

Another question on FOBs. What percentage of the vehicle travel requirements are generated by having to resupply these FOBs?
Probably most - remember, that vehicle traffic would be required either way if the soldiers were in a FOB or not; it would probably require more traffic if delivery of classes of supply wasn't centralized at a few key FOBs.