Quote Originally Posted by Red Rat View Post
The narrative is central to the COIN effort. The narrative must be a carefully crafted message which aims to strengthen the legitimacy and build the authority of the indigenous government in the eyes of the population. It has to resonate with the local population, use their words and imagery in a way that taps into deep cultural undercurrents. The narrative aims to convince the people that the indigenous government, supported by international forces and organisations, can deliver a better future in terms of security, justice and material wealth.
This is just rubbish. Narratives do not change peoples minds. To assume that a narrative is anything other than the story that informs the political belief is delusional. You do not, and cannot win by having a "better story." That is fatuously optimistic at best.

30 years of violence in Northern Ireland did not change either sides' "narrative." 90 years of violence in Israel/Palestine has never changed or altered either sides "narrative."