Quote Originally Posted by Dayuhan View Post
In places like Africa, alas, the noble intent may go awry, especially in "nations" composed of multiple populaces whose deepest and most heartfelt desire is to stomp the living $#!t out of the neighboring populace and take all the marbles for themselves (actually not exactly a situation unique to Africa). That doesn't mean self-determination is not worth pursuing, but the idea that self-determination will bring peace and stability is often illusory.
Waging war or propping up dictators is no path to peace and stability either. There will indeed always be wars and rumors of wars. The insertion of "states" and European forms of governance has not done any favors for the people of Africa.

There are indeed no perfect answers. Any answer they sort out for themselves, no matter how bloody, will be more enduring and effective than any sorted out for them, no matter how bloodless. Best we can hope to do is temper the violence a bit as they sort it out.