Quote Originally Posted by William F. Owen View Post
This is where Boyd's orient on the enemy not the ground, becomes misleading. Guderian had to secure crossing points on the Meuse regardless of where the French Army where. 2 PARA were told "Capture Goose Green."
I don't think so, in fact that is exactly what MW is. Guderian had to secure crossing points, that's a mission, where(objectives) is left up to local commanders. The bridge he goes to secure may be blown up by the time he gets there, but that is no excuse for mission failure,he should go and find fording points or carry bridging equipment with him.

But why did you capture Goose Green? Because you want to deny it to the enemy. What you want to do to the enemy(mission) always comes first and generally remains constant. Where (the objective) is very changeable, more than one location to skin the cat.