I hate to jump in here (well…not really) because I believe this is the only way to learn MW (with rigorous debate) …not that I am any kind of expert; I just got to see this whole thing work ONCE. Yes, MW says you should focus on the enemy, but it does not say you should ignore the terrain. I have never heard any MW guy state a commander should not go through his normal METT (Mission, Enemy, Terrain, Time) analysis. The focus on the enemy part gets back to the old Sun Tzu principle (know your enemy). I think we can agree that knowing where the enemy is part of that and if you don’t know where he is … you need to figure it out relatively quickly. We were always taught that if all else fails (if you can’t find the enemy) ATTACK because if you are going after something of value he will react and expose himself.
Also there is another technique to MW called commander’s intent and mission orders. Both only work together. Mission Orders supply the “WHAT” you want and not the HOW. I would say Take Goose Green as a mission order is unacceptable but to say “Take Goose Green” in order to … deny the enemy, or provide a friendly supply port, etc. is a lot closer to mission orders.