Great comment -- what's it mean?

This too:
Back to the thread. Truth and trust are elusive. It is simply easier not to trust.

I would suggest that is the easier wrong.
What does that mean?..Sorry for the non compos mentis glazed look but I can't do zen before my fourth cup of coffee...

What, specifically is the thread? Your first post alludes to trust and then says:
Within the last decade in my direct experience, decentralization is not done.

Where did we fail?
Do you want comments on decentralization or on trust or answers to that "fail" question or do we just wax philosophical? Is the topic decentralization or trust. It can be both and one is enemy of the other but a little clarity might help...

Kiwi Grunt's link is IMO appropriate, societal tolerance for and even pursuit of mediocrity on the basis of 'fairness' and other foolishness is a part of the problem in both overcentralization and lack of trust. Armies are a reflection of the societies from which they come and follow the rules -- written and unwritten -- of the governments for which they work...

I can do mission orders and FragOs but I gotta understand the Commander's intent.

As an old Armor COL once told me "If the guidance wasn't followed, then it wasn't clear..."