In an era/organization of zero-sum, you are not going to be able to add something in one place without a corresponding reduction somewhere else.

From that, I propose the following organizational changes to the existing HBCT MTO&E

1. Consolidate all M3 CFVs into 6-vehicle recon/scout platoons. With 29 CFVs inside a HBCT there are enough for 4 platoons of 6 + 2 CFVs in Recon Sqdrn HQs + 1 (X2) in each of two Heavy Recon Troops. One CFV left (hold for now)

2a. Reduce number of tank companies in each CAB to one with 4 platoons of 4 tanks + 2 Co HQs tanks + 2 CAB HQs tanks for a total of 20 per CAB (down from 29). This also leaves 1 M2/M3 (S3 vehicle) from the CAB HQs left, Hold for now.

2b. Move remaining 9 tanks per CAB (total of 18) over into Heavy Recon Troops. I think you can see where this goes...

3a. Consolidate all recon HMMWVs for a total of 40. Re-org into four platoons of 6 HMWWVs (plus 4 reminder, hold for now). Assign four 6-HMWWV platoons to Light Recon Troop of Recon Sqdrn.

3b. Assign a 6-HMWWV scout platoon to each CAB.

4. "Re-organized" Recon Sqdrn now has two Heavy Troops and 1 Light Troop, all with four platoons.

5. Take reminder vehicles from above and create an "Escort and Security Company" under the STB. Create using personnel from eliminated Tank HQs and reduced need for FISTs in CABs. E&S Co gets: M2/M3 Co HQs with BFIST, HBCT MP PLT, NBC Recon PLT, the 4 remaining HMMWVs as Escort PLT, and a new/re-inforced Security PLT using the two left over M2/M3 and the 2 from the HBCT Security Section.

Some of the results:

Starting = 8 Companies manned, trained and equipped to conduct Full Spectrum Operations (FSO)
Re-org = 6 Companies and 2 Heavy Recon Troops manned, trained and equipped for FSO.

Start = 8 recon/scout platoons (3X5)
Re-org = 6 HMWWV scout platoons + 4 CFV scout platoons = 10

Increases the number of recon/scout platoons by two and moves towards standardizing Recon/scout platoons at 6 vehicles.

HBCT Recon Sqdrn should now be capable of acting as the 3rd maneuver element of the HBCT and still retain is primary role of recon. It can now guard, attack, defend, delay etc. By being able to occuplish thsse task/missions, it can also begin to address the enemy's INTENTIONS, a capability absent in the current organization.

Start = seperate/orphan platoons/sections 3 (MPs, NBC & Security)
Re-org = New Co HQs with 4 platoons (MPs, NBC, Security & Escort)

A company now resourced to enable the HBCT to begin to solve its area security concerns on its own. Also, addresses the issue of orphan platoons within the HBCT.

Down-side is a less capable recon/scout platoon in each CAB and smaller CABs (10 combat/maneuver platoons versus 12 in the original organization)
