Quote Originally Posted by A. Shahid View Post
As one of the previous posters said, you really, really ought to check with your DEA rep, or the CPEF folks in Helmand. You should have reps from both of them in Lashkar Gah, unless things have changed a lot. You mentioned that 'this would usually fall into the RFI category....', I guess I'm wondering if you submitted it as an RFI through your O&I channels?

Also, I definitely agree - interdiction is a much better CN strategy than eradication. I'd think you'd agree, if you're down in Registan/Rh*no area - far easier to interdict than try to manually eradicate. The farmers in Helmand sell their crops a season in advance - if we eradicate their crop, the narcos almost always get money's worth. Sometimes that means taking a child across into Pakistan and selling it into the human sex slave trade. Nasty business. Interdiction allows them to get paid, absolves them of responsibility for what happens next when you and the MAGTF hit the shipment, and gives them time to gradually transition to other crops.
Any thoughts for the western kids who get hooked on this stuff?