Quote Originally Posted by Fuchs View Post
* from fusing & interpreting recce reports
* from prisoners
Agree with both up to a point...

Point 1, what if the reports we are intercepting are part of the enemy's deception plan?

Point 1.1 BCT has only a very limted capability in its MICO to accomplish directly got the BCT CDR. An attack by a "Re-org" ARS can achieve the results shortly after contact.

Point 2. See above about who has the capability to conduct (hint the Counter-Intel and/or the HUMINT folks in the MICO, assuming they have the correct language capability).

Point 2.1 While some EPWs will get nabbed "steathly" the majority will come following a successful attack. Consider the Brits in the Fauklands, the Italians in WW2, the Iraqis in the first Gulf War....

The ARS was designed based on the "Quaility of Firsts" (Now out of Voque). It was intended to be a Recon-pull Organization. May have worked great twenty years ago. Against any OPFOR that is well-trained, well-armed and primarilty dismounted the wheels begin to come off as it crosses the LD.

We tried the same "Recon by Steath" approach in WW2 with the mounted Cavalry/Recon units. Mounted fails against anything other then lmited resistence. Dismounted can, given time and suitable terrain work but the overall OPTEMPO must allow for it.