Quote Originally Posted by tequila View Post
I couldn't disagree more. I think if anything the history of most of the last two centuries has been one of people changing their opinions and ideas in enormously revolutionary ways across the world, including in the Middle East, at a higher rate than has ever before existed in human history.
Actually I'd agree but that was not the context of my statement.
Bob said "we're evolving." OK, but that's largely irrelevant to the nature of a problem with 2,000 years of reasons. The causes of conflict where I live are not things driven by recent events. They date back 1,000 of years in some cases. - and as recently as 60 years in others. A lot of other places as well.

I fully accept that society alters it politics, ethics and values, but it reverts to basics once folks start dying. Massacres and Genocide's mostly come from enduring ideas, not new ones.