I've been mulling over your Carrier Bn suggestion and I find my self wondering about how CS elements would be handled, for instance, mortars. Would you have them carreid by APCs for dismounted us only of have dedicated mortar vehicles able either carrying mortars (so the coy doesn't have to) or, like the Stryker mortar vehicle, mounting two mortars one of which is dismountable.

What of anti-tank units? would they be Javelin type units who would mount and then dismount a la inf? If a tank coy is providing intimate support am I correct in understanding that there would be no specialed APC variants for AT or indirect/direct fire support? What if not tank coy in intimate support? Rely on AH/CAS/UAV?

In terms of fire support for the coy would the APC's weapons- 40mm GMG for instance- be dismountable for use in static or SBF positions? And if so, do the APC crews man them/own? I assume, but require clarification, that they would given you have the APCs attached for the duration of the mission.

I wonder also what happens to the carrier Bn say in an operational march conducted by an Inf Bn or Bde (say a follow on and support or follow tasking) where they are carried in trucks for the most part. Where would the carrier Bn be? To whom is it attached? Would it follow the Bde (perhaps carrying supplies or some such) or would there be a Bn attached to the Bde in which case a Bn would be mounted for immediate deployment with two more in trucks for reinforcement? (But then the APCs would be a bit knackered after the march). Really, I suppose I'm asking is what is the Bn doing when it isn't moving Inf? Presumably it's moving other infantry elsewhere? (But does it travel with a Bde as permamnet attachment or not? If not then I think I get that the assets wiill be attached where and when needed according to the operational plan.