Hi guys,

Just started my MA thesis on the 2006 Israeli-Hezbollah war and am unsure about my outline. My idea is to answer the following three questions:
1)Was the war inevitable, regardless of whether Israel kidnapped soldiers or not?
2)How was a relatively small resistance group able to effectively challenge the Middle East's strongest military power?
3)How important was the war in reshaping the political and military relationship between Israel and Hezbollah? Iran, Syria, the United States?

These questions could be answered in three chapters,
1)Buildup to war from 2000-2006, including unilateral withdrawal from southern Lebanon, Intifada, Gaza, change in Israeli leadership etc...
2)Hezbollah's guerrilla tactics during the war. Israel's mistakes and weaknesses.
3)Post Bellum. The war's local, regional, and international implications.

Is this feasible for a 15,000 word (45-page) paper? Should a chapter be added on Hezbollah and Israeli military doctrine? Or how about the proxy aspect of the war? That being Hezbollah's ties with Syria and Iran and Israel's strong ties to the United States.

I've found about 30 good references so far, but are there any MUST reads?

I've never written something like this, so thank you for any advice you can give.