Quote Originally Posted by JMA View Post
Sorry William but that sounds like the Brit NHS (National Health Service). Sounds wonderful until you hear about the long waiting lists.

There is quite frankly no point in mentioning that there are 50 if only 8 can be on ops in Helmand at any time.

There was some talk a while back of outsourcing the helo lift capability to an outside contractor. I heard the Air Force nearly had a collective heart attack at the thought.

Now that the Brit are leaving Sangin it may well be important to reassess what he actual need for Apache support will be after this "consolidation of British forces".
All or most ISAF countries including both the US and UK use civilian contractor helicopter support to an extent, for resupplying forward operating bases. These are mainly Eastern European companies using Mi-8 and Mi-26 aircraft. They do not carry troops.