Quote Originally Posted by Jesse9252 View Post
1) Destroy the Iranian Western Command before Iran could go nuclear.
I'm not even sure what this means--but no, I don't think the IDF ever dreamed it could "destroy" Hizbullah. If they did, they would have gone for a war plan and ground commitment that looked like 1982. Degrade longer-range and potential non-conventional missile capabilities? Yes (and not achieved in any meaningful, lasting sense).

2) Restore the credibility of Israeli deterrence after the unilateral withdrawals from Lebanon in 2000 and Gaza in 2005, and countering the image that Israel was weak and forced to leave.

3) Force Lebanon to become and act as an accountable state, and end the status of Hezbollah as a state within a state.
Maybe, although one would have to be pretty silly to imagine that "Lebanon" could do that.

4) Damage or cripple Hezbollah, with the understanding that it could not be destroyed as a military force and would continue to be a major political actor in Lebanon.
Damage, yes.. I doubt they were as ambitious as "cripple."

5) Bring the two soldiers the Hezbollah had captured back alive without major trades in prisoners held by Israel—not the thousands demanded by Nasrallah and the Hezbollah.