Quote Originally Posted by JMA View Post
Supply: Anything and whatever you can think of. Obviously you booby trap your caches or you can leave stuff you want them to find (dirty tricks stuff
There's a huge difference between inserting "Eldest Son" ammunition or "40 On/offs" into the enemy supply chain, and blowing the legs off an 11-year-old who went to steal some stuff from your cache.

Caches are something requiring quite a lot of thought and a good deal of planning. Usefulness is very context dependant. I'm not sure they are viable in the Green Zone, or anywhere near where you get population movement.

Firepower: Carry light plus a few claymore mines to protect you when static and rely of fire support from air and arty and whatever is close by. You are right your tactics will save you and once you have been cornered once you tend to get damn clever at not being found again.
Is lack of Firepower an issue??