Fuchs said:

On the other hand - I already proved my inability to cure your extreme weakness for guided missiles.
For me it's pure fun to test my stupid ideas against your rational approach

About PGM. I do remember that after receiving "Stingers" from US, the mujahideens achieved considerable military success against Soviets. If Taliban etc irregulars could have today similar allies, that can supply 21th century top notch AT's, SAM's, radios, training etc and every missile attack is "one shot, one kill" instead of those "stupid" RPG, Chinese missile etc attacks and instead of "there was attack against US airbase with Chinese missiles. No casualties." there are headlines "Spike attack against base. 5 C-17 lost" how could the war look like since 2001?

I'm really sad that Finnish guerilla tactics thinking stopped in the end of 1980's, right before the new wave of portable PGM's

It's all about METT of course