Quote Originally Posted by Red Rat View Post
Fantastic! We no longer have to film them for evidence purposes, they do it themselves!

Probably not on the wider news network is two sizeable viable devices in the last two weeks. One of which was in a house and an attempt to get police into the house (a 'come on'), and a second which blew up in situ but prematurely on a country road. Plus 4 rounds fired at a police patrol with a short barrelled weapon. All in the last 2 weeks and separate from the well publicised rioting.

It is likely to get worse before it get better. The N Ireland property bubble has burst and the economy depends heavily on public sector jobs (of which Britain expects to shed 750,000 in the next two years). With increased deprivation we can expect an increase in crime as well more extreme politics.
Can't believe what I see on TV about what abuse the police must be prepared to take and DO NOTHING! Now if I threw a petrol bomb at someone and it set them alight (I have a long list) I guess I would be up for attempted murder or at least assault GBH. Why don't the yobs on the streets of Northern Ireland not get held to the same standard?

So forget about the X-13 tazer shotguns (like from the Moat incident) and speak nicely to your good uncle Sam and see if he will sell/loan/give you some of these babies.

Active Denial System

"The ADS projects a focused beam of millimeter waves to induce an intolerable heating sensation on an adversary's skin, repelling the individual with minimal risk of injury."