Legitimately classified stuff should only be declassified properly. That said, we shouldn't make it go into the "too hard box." My point, besidess being to give a bit of info on the nature and pitfalls of classification was to say that by not declassifying what and when we should, we create situations where someone else will "declassify" it by improper, unauthorized release. That is part of what happened in both the Pentagon Papers and the Manning and this other Wikileaks case. Not moral equivalency at all.

Tom, Australia is a combatant with us but NOT a member of NATO. She is actually a member of the ANZUS alliance. What, however, would you prosecute Wikileaks for? As far as I can tell, they have broken no US laws. Remember, we do not have an Official Secrets Act (which would probably be unconstitutional anyway). You can prosecute the govt leaker but not the media outlet.

