The White House has condemned the release of the reports along with other NATO governments. I doubt that the administration will publicly go after Wikileaks; Wikileaks has to much public support.

As I try to access Wikileak's main website (which is terribly slow and won't load), another thought came to my mind. The intelligence community despises Wikileaks and wishes that it would cease its actions. Since legal action seems unlikely, do you think that Wikileaks will be the victim of a cyber attack (stolen data or DDOSed)? Whether conducted by US government personal or outsourced to a private firm, I wouldn't rule it out.

So far, I agree with the other comments on here about the leak. Even the current situation of the war was known, the leaks reveal what we know, how we know, and our structure. Repairing this will be difficult.

The way that the media has reported this (specifically the NY Times) is disappointing. They have been picking specific stories to try to describe the whole war. This is wrong and is simply poor reporting.