Interesting enough, I just went to have a look at the legislation in France on the engagement of French Forces in foreign theatres. And the Senate is actually working on it. (More or less… Takes time as always)

All is basically based on the art35 from the constitution: “war declaration is authorized by the parliament”.
But, only the participation to Gulf war was voted by the parliament in 1991. Since then…
The senators are looking at a revision of the constitution on that subject. And the trigger is the participation of France to Afghanistan war.
As in USA, they feel they are not involved enough in the process: they are at the best consulted and otherwise informed regularly.

There is a proposition of law that wants to introduce the fact that if French forces are deployed for a longer period than 3 month, the parliament has to be consulted and authorization will be approved through vote.

Basically, the problem of war being conducted without war declaration seems to have trigger the same problematic on both sides of the ocean.
As there is no war declaration nowadays, the presidential power seems to be too important. But, you have to have in mind that strong presidential power was what was in the mind of those who wrote the 1958 constitution in France.