Quote Originally Posted by WW View Post
Wouldn't that be a major radiological attack, and/or a tactical nuclear first strike, unprecedented in the nuclear age? Surely I must be mistaken. Proposals for crossing such a line, tearing the lid off pandora's box, would draw comment from the smart folks here.

This isn't ###-for-tat sabotage and assassination. It starts with Chernobyl scale radiological WMD warfare being launched over the heads of our troops and fleet in the Gulf. But how does it end, and who benefits?

Maybe someone here will take a peak at my comment below, an attempt to dial back such weapons grade strategic blindness.

Who said anything about using a tactical nuke? And it is not the Iranian people that are the target but rather the regime (surely that is obvious?). If a non-nuclear strike on a facility will release radiological fall out then it quite frankly its not a legitimate target. There is little point in trying to sell a doomsday scenario in trying to sell your anti preemptive strike position.

So what do you suggest? Surrender now and get it over with? Or do nothing and keep your fingers crossed?