Quote Originally Posted by davidbfpo View Post
A side issue this and in response to Kiwi Grunt's comment:

You are not the only person. My understanding is that if the carriers are finished they will have no aircraft in service to carry, so they may end up as helicopter carriers. I do not follow the RN closely, but I have seen no comments on a "fix". Whether they survive the cuts is a moot point, although the ships are being built by our premier "arms baron" (a plc) and in places with a political impact.
Plans are afoot to redisgned the deck to accomodate a CTOL or STOBAR version of the Typhoon if the Yanks keep preventing the technology transfer/sharing of the F35 (god forbid the silly idea, back in 2006?, of us buying French Rafales should ever get back on the table! Although its a nice plane to be sure)