Quote Originally Posted by TAH View Post
Your organization seems a heavy on the supporting arms/fires role and is left wanting for "Plain Ol Foot Solider" (2 20-man section 40 troops total) whose job is to enter/clear buildings. rooms, trenchs, fortifications etc.
Sure, I can see that but given that in the assault you want a ratio of somewhere between 2-3:1 supporting to assaulting elements I don't think its too much. All I did was delete the idea of three identical sections and just weight one of them with HE projectors and LMGs making them the equivelant, if not an over match, for the two sections that would otherwise have been neded to generate a similar ammount of fire. Nor am I familiar with an entire platoon being ordered to clear a trench...at least a third to a half of them would be need for suppressive fires and to shoot the trench clearing teams in before following them on (if need be). Besides in the UK a rifle platoon is 24 men, or thereabouts, so one of my sections isn't too far off without being overly pumped up on steroids. Once TiC (Troops in contact) on a multi-coy or Bn level operation the recce platoons would more than likely perform some kind of rifle platoon function (but their primary task is small unti- RSTA). The ideas/arguments for the 20 man sections were essentially clinched by Sen. James Webb and kiwigrunt on a post on a different thread. Again, I apologise but I don't have the links immediately to hand (I also apologise for my spelling...had a "rough night").
