Quote Originally Posted by Fuchs View Post
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All good stuff mate...from your blog, no? Similar thoughts were swimming around in my head and refused to gel ... but I lacked your particular take on things. Wehter we can have all-purposes troops and train them to be jack off all trades or wether we can make them professionals as a specific MOS (specialsied generalists) is as much of a problem as is C2. Personally I'd prefer having specialised generalists who like the stormtroopers in WWI were so proficient at their tasks could do them in their sleep (let follow on forces/echelons mop up and do the "conventional" WII stuff). And, yes, I know, there's no such thing as "Hutier" tactics (which I why I put it in inverted commas in the previous post) it was just a short-hand way of orienting the discussion.