Quote Originally Posted by Global Scout View Post
Chris you are missing the point of information operations...
I am in agreement in that we should not be creating an invincible bogey-man out of the Taliban.

My point is that we are not helping ourselves, though, by characterising them as naive, stupid or foolish. I agree that each and every side has examples of the village idiot (my time in the military seems to indicate that I am a magnet for this personality type so I have seen my fair share!) but I don't think either side, Tb included, is stupid. I think that to do so as such is counter-productive to our efforts to defeat them.

I believe that our IO operations should reflect reality, and that we need to understand and promote the view of the Tb as being tactically impotent. I also think that this needs to be balanced with the acknowledgement that they are clever - natural selection has taken it's toll - and we face a devious, clever and committed enemy whom have a game plan and are working towards it.

I have no problems in speaking negatively of enemies. I'd suggest, though, that we ensure we speak accurately about them first and foremost (cue Sun Tzu quote about knowing your enemy and Clausewitz about id'ing the war you find yourself in).

I'm not in complete agreement with a lot of what 'our' side (the Maj Gants and Col Jones) say, either, but my point was that - agree or disagree - the label of 'stupid' is inaccurate.

As Pete said, the very real point is that we beat them. My view is that in order to beat them we have to identify and understand as much of our enemy as we can. Saying they are 'stupid' is an incorrect characterisation and one that will not help us to victory.

NB: I just realised my typo in an earlier post (Col Roberts rather than Col Jones)... my bad, sorry Sir!